Thursday, June 01, 2006

Did Anyone Call For A Heat Wave?

Whew! That is about all I can muster after hiking this week in this blasted heat. Since Pearisburg, Megan and I have been trudging along through 90 degree days in very high humidity. Tends to wear us down much more quickly than hiking in 60 degree weather. Did anyone else miss the nice 70 and 80 degree days? I swear it skipped from rainy, windy, cold directly into this hot, humid, blaze. Yesterday we stumbled out of the forest onto the pavement of Troutville, Virginia. We were so glad to see a Wendy's. Didn't take me long to wolf down a Southwestern Taco Salad, large water, and large frosty. Yum. The funny thing is that the air conditioning in Wendy's was freezing. We ended up hurrying through our dinner and sitting outside in the stifling heat to thaw out. Doesn't take long to become acclimated to living in the hot, humid conditions, unfortunately.

Oh, I almost forgot...I decided, on a whim, to chop all of my hair off today. It was entirely too hot, filthy, and hard to maintain out here. I didn't shave the head, although that is my next step if this is unsatisfactory. But lets just say about seven inches fell from the hands of the stylest as she cut. Megan, of course, took pictures of before, during, and after (as she laughed at the scene unfolding before her eyes). Though, I could tell in her eyes that she was mildly envious of how cool my head is going to be when we start hiking tomorrow and beyond. I almost convinced her to shave her head. "Maybe in Waynesboro", was her response. We shall wait and see, only time will tell.

We are looking forward to the Shenandoah National Park section that is coming up in a week or so. Virginia has been beautiful so far and I expect will continue to be so as we move right along. Thank you for your prayers. 700 miles down and 1400 miles to go - 1/3 of the way done. Yee-Haw!


bekadean said...

THIS I've got to see. In fact, it might be worth a six hour drive just to see you and Megan all baldheaded and beautiful, hiking through the squelching heat in your sports bras. A definite must see and without a doubt....bloggable! walk on!

Anonymous said...

Okay-I'm not much for this "blogging" thing or anything in the cyberworld for that matter, so me writing to you should show how special you are! I feel the need to write as I am now very slowly getting my packages returned that I have sent to you. I wanted you to know that I have been thinking about you and praying for you every day and I feel horrible that you haven't heard from me yet(or so it seems to you):) I will send another package out way ahead so that maybe you'll get this one in time. I am sorry and love getting your emails as well as blog updates. And- If I don't see pictures of the hair soon, I too will have to drive down to see you, big belly and all... Love and God Bless Stacy

Brooks said...

Personally, the GI Jane look is hot! Just grab the clippers and start shaving and in no time you will look like Demi Moore - bald head and all! You could start a new look on the trail and soon all the female thru-hikers will be sporting clean shaven domes! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! lol

Anonymous said...

Hey, I hope ur hair is longer than mine. Well Witchers Exams r this week so I better study. I am keeping up my grades and all. Well I hope u have more fun on the trail.

timesreporter said...

My name is Heather Augustyn and I am a correspondent with The Times of NWIndiana and would like to
interview you guys on the trail. I know Megan Daly is from Valpo and this paper distributes in that region. How can I get in touch with you? Is this the best way? My email address is

Anonymous said...

I got the scoop, poop.